Dental Implants NYC

Welcome to one of the most advanced dental practices on the Upper East Side of NYC

Dental implants are a highly successful method for replacing missing or damaged teeth. They are a popular choice for tooth replacement because they prevent more serious complications often caused by tooth loss. Dental implants are a highly successful tooth replacement option used to replace missing or damaged teeth. This is a popular option for many patients because a dental implant can be used to restore one or more missing teeth, and they are even strong enough to replace a molar. 

They are designed to look, feel, and function just like natural teeth. In fact, most people are unable to distinguish a dental implant from a natural tooth. Dental implants are also used in full-arch restoration procedures to support a brand new arch of teeth. A dental implant is made up of three parts: a titanium implant post, a connecting abutment, and a custom-made crown. These elements combined create a brand new tooth that allows you to smile, eat, and live with confidence.



If you are in need of replacing a tooth, you are likely a candidate for a dental implant. You could have a tooth that has been missing for a while, or perhaps are missing teeth due to injury, infection, or decay. A dental implant can replace one or more teeth, but if you are in need of restoring a full upper or lower arch, you may be a candidate for a full-arch replacement procedure. 

You can enjoy these benefits of dental implants:

 Improve chewing and speaking abilities

 Improve appearance, since they are designed to fuse with bone permanently

 Eliminate discomfort caused by dentures or oral appliances Improve your self-esteem and confidence in your smile

 Stimulate the bone in your jaw, which preserves bone health

 Clean and care for a dental implant just like a natural tooth—with regular brushing and flossing 

Ditch the embarrassment and adhesives of removable dentures and enjoy the convenience and ease of a dental implant 

Our practice uses dental implants manufactured by Straumann® and Nobel Biocare™, both leaders in state-of-the-art dental implant technology. We offer many options to fulfill your smile goals: Single dental implants are used to replace one or more teeth. Same-day implants can be placed immediately after a tooth extraction, which reduces the total number of appointments needed. Full-arch restoration involves supporting a permanent, natural-looking upper or lower arch of teeth using dental implants. 

Our team will walk you through every step of your oral surgery journey at New York Family Dental Arts - Dental Implant Experts. During your consultation, we will perform a comprehensive dental exam, including 3D scans, and review your medical history. We will determine your oral health and aesthetic goals and discuss your anesthesia options to design the right treatment plan for you. If needed, we will explain additional procedures that may be necessary, such as bone grafting or tooth extraction. 

Many patients are concerned about whether or not their procedure will hurt. Most patients who have received a dental implant report little to no discomfort involved with the procedure. Local anesthesia can be used and combined with other anesthesia options, if necessary, to ensure maximum comfort. Mild soreness following the procedure can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications, such as Motrin® or Tylenol®. On the day of your surgery, Dr. Choe our periodontist will administer the chosen form of anesthesia. Shee will make a small incision in your gum, insert the implant post, and stitch the incision closed. The implant post will fuse with the jaw bone over the next few months, and you may be given a temporary crown to wear. 

When it has fully healed, your doctor will attach a connecting abutment and create your custom-made crown. This crown is specially designed to match the size, shape, and color of your other teeth. The crown is then attached to the abutment by either your oral surgeon or a restorative dentist. If you need any special accommodations or have additional questions regarding dental implants, please contact us. We are here to help.

 Our office is located near the intersection of 72nd street and 3rd avenue. Our team consists of highly trained and experienced professionals who are aware of patients’ needs and are happy to accommodate patients in any way possible. Dr. Choe is board-certified by the American Board of Periodontists, which holds him to the highest standards of care and maintaining exemplary patient experiences. Only periodontists who undergo a rigorous peer evaluation process and demonstrate adequate training, expertise, and extensive knowledge are eligible for board certification. Dental implants are more affordable than other tooth replacement options, especially when considering their longevity and effectiveness. The total cost of a dental implant depends on how many teeth need to be replaced, if any additional procedures are needed, type of anesthesia used, and your insurance coverage. 

Our team can provide you with an accurate cost estimate for your dental implant procedure during your consultation. When you begin researching your options, you may find that removable dentures or bridges are less expensive than dental implants because they cost less upfront. However, these options can result in greater financial and emotional costs over time. The initial price you pay for these procedures does not include the cost of replacing them, which could be as often as every 5 to 15 years, according to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. If you wear dentures and are looking for a healthier and more convenient solution, you may qualify for full-arch restoration. With this treatment, we use dental implant posts to hold a fixed denture. 

Your replacement teeth will stay in place and are custom made to feel natural and comfortable in your mouth. Traditional dentures and oral appliances need to be replaced as often as 5 years. Meanwhile, a dental implant simply becomes another part of your regular dental checkups to ensure it looks, feels, and functions properly. The success rate for dental implants is 98%, and patients who clean and care for their implant can enjoy its benefits for a lifetime. Dental implants are widely known to restore smiles and improve the lives of those who have them. A dental implant will feel just like a natural tooth. After a while, you likely won’t even notice that there’s any difference between your dental implant and your regular teeth. The crown is custom-made to match the shape and color of your other teeth, so it will become a natural-looking and feeling addition to your smile. Following your dental implant procedure, you should follow your post-operative instructions closely.

 These will explain diet and exercise restrictions and cleaning guidelines, as well as instruct you on how to manage pain. If you’ve undergone additional procedures, like a bone graft or a tooth extraction, your recovery instructions may vary. Stick to a soft diet for the first week after surgery and ease into your normal diet as tolerated. Be sure to avoid hard or chewy foods near the surgical site. Feel free to contact us with any questions about diet suggestions. Typically, if you are healthy enough to undergo an extraction, you are healthy enough to receive dental implants. During your consultation, we will perform a thorough oral examination, review your medical history, and determine the right course of action for your smile and oral health. Yes. You can use a dental implant to restore a missing tooth even if the tooth has been missing for a long time. When a tooth is missing, the jaw bone does not get stimulated in that area. This causes the jaw bone to deteriorate over time. 

When this happens, a bone graft can be placed where the tooth was missing to promote the growth of new bone, since a dental implant requires stable bone before it can be placed. When there is enough stable bone in your jaw, your oral surgeon can place your dental implant. If a tooth has been knocked out, place it in whole milk or saliva, and go see your dentist immediately. The greatest success rate of reinserting a knocked out (avulsed) tooth is when you visit a dentist within the first 30 minutes of injury. If the natural tooth is unable to be reinserted, an oral surgeon may be able to place a dental implant post. \

 If you are in need of a dental implant or other oral surgery care, please contact our office to schedule an appointment with one of our oral surgeons. For a single dental implant, the procedure usually lasts between 30 and 60 minutes. This time may vary depending on any additional procedures, such as bone grafting or tooth extractions, as well as the specifics of your oral surgery needs. We will ensure that you remain comfortable and at ease throughout your entire treatment and are here to answer any questions that you may have. 

Oral surgeons are specially trained during their oral surgery residencies to safely administer in-office sedation and anesthesia, which includes monitoring the patient throughout the procedure. Our office offers local anesthesia, nitrous oxide sedation, IV anesthesia, and general anesthesia to ensure that our patients are comfortable throughout treatment. You can learn more on our anesthesia options page. If you have other questions about dental implants or would like to learn about your tooth replacement options, please contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kessler, Dr. Vaiman or Dr. Choe our periodontist.

Our goal is to provide you with all the care that you need under one roof keeping you comfortable and making your care affordable.



We are dedicated to providing the highest standards in dental implant surgery. If you are interested in dental implants then please call our office on 212-628-3300 or make an appointment through the scheduler below.